Arguing is not fighting.
Conflict is threat to psychological safety of employees, management and the overall organisation. Simple arguments would give birth to larger conflicts. Disagreements in thoughts, values, strategies and execution at times are the major reason for arguments.
Conflict can be proactively handled if we structure the process of argument. This programme is a re-birth of the traditional conflict management program with the prime focus on managing the same even before it occurs. Apart from just enabling a conducive work culture the training has the below to offer.
Key Features of the programme
1. Enabling higher productivity.
2. Team Development and employee engagement.
3. Rapport development amongst the employees at every level.
4. Cost efficiency as most of the business decisions are a result of collaborative decisions.
5. Retaining employee's confidence.
1. Understanding Conflicts
Understanding and accepting the human factors controlling the conflicts.
2. Cause and the effect.
Its important to understand the impact of any conflict on various business parameters and even on self-development.
3. Collaborative Effort
Synergising decisions, strategy and execution is essential in avoiding disputes
5. Handling Situations
The art of managing the situation or negotiating depends upon the ability of the leader.
4. Argue like a PRO
Invite participation before the act. The productivity success of act lies with the agreement of each and every involved and their willingness to act.
6. The Foresight
Foreseeing a situation makes the business and the leadership more impactful. A timely action can prevent any wrong from happening.
8 Hours is the total duration of the Training.
This is a leadership program suitable for the leaders now or to come.
Max of 25